Episode 26 - New underwriting limits, conviction around our own programs, and avoiding common mistakes in communication
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Tom and Will have a a great conversation around the opportunities of Northwestern Mutual’s expanded limit.
Tom and Will have a discussion around the importance of conviction in our own planning as it relates to increasing our own program and sharing that with clients.

Episode 27 - Strength and Warmth
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Tom and Will had an interesting conversation about how to balance those strengths and warmth in client conversations, whether it's written or in person.
Tom and Will believes this is a really key conversation that they know everybody will find helpful as they continue to think about having that balance.

Episode 28 - Persuade by affirming and reorienting and understate and be accurate 
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Will and Tom discuss ways to be persuasive by reorienting, and how to do so while being sure to be accurate in everything we say in an understated manner.

Episode 29 -  Quick Hits: 5.0 is now better than 4.9, Will’s new dentist, and Tom reorienting a private equity guru
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Will and Tom introduce the topic of Quick Hits; covering a few topics in a single episode. The topics for this episode include the 2019 dividend interest rate and examples of meetings Tom and Will have had recently and a story about Will’s new dentist.

Episode 30 -  Avoiding Commission Breath
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• The “big” topic: avoiding “commission breath.” Even reps who are truly “other focused” can inadvertently sabotage their efforts in small ways—unaware that they are breathing “commission breath.” The phrase comes from a prospect who noted to a PodPlus listener that he had experienced “commission breath” from previous interactions with NM reps. Eliminate inadvertent sabotage, and succeed by serving your clients well.
• A seemingly “small” topic: Have you ever been asked, “What’s your commission on this?” Hear Tom discuss two different—and powerful—ways to answer this question. Turn a potential negative into an opportunity to further enhance your relationship with your client!