Episode 91: Stop Aimless Meandering: Win with Checklists
Have you ever left a meeting and thought, “I wish I had made the point about….?” Often, it’s the little things that determine whether a case moves forward or not. We can cover 90% of the points we need to cover and lose the case because the last 10% was the one they needed to hear the most.
In this episode, Tom shares how he applies simple checklists to make sure he doesn’t get sidetracked.
This episode will help you use the power of checklists to serve your clients well!
Are you ready to crush?
Episode 92: Punching the Cost Gotcha in the Face
Have you ever had a case at the one inch line, only to have the Cost Gotcha emerge and kill the case? Things are going well and then the client says “Hey why is the first year cash value so much less than what I put in?”
This is a can’t miss episode! In it, you will hear Tom take you through a sequence and reference the attached illustration to Punch the Cost Gotcha in the Face. The sequence Tom goes through here is a game changer that will help you knock out this case killing gotcha.
With this new sequence, you will be well positioned to crush punch the rest of this Awards Year and get off to a great start crushing 2022!
Episode 93: Attunement...What's That Even Mean? Learn Attunement and Crush Your Next Appointment
Tom and I are excited to release this episode about what author Daniel Pink calls the new way of selling.
In this episode, you'll hear Tom share how he applies Daniel Pink's principles to our work.
You'll learn new ways to compel your clients to action that are congruent with the other focused approach Tom teaches for every phase of our work with clients.
It's a can't miss!
Episode 94: Buoyancy. Huh? Seek It and Win
We are excited to release today’s new episode of PodPlus. In it, you will hear Tom share his key learnings from Daniel Pink’s book To Sell is Human.
As you hear Tom and Will unpack the meaning of this word and how essential it is to our business, you will find examples of places you can enhance your “positivity ratio” each and every day. We know that how we interpret and respond to setbacks are more important than the nature of the setback itself.
If you are curious how you can increase your positivity ratio and crush the day no matter what comes at you that day, this episode is for you!
Episode 95: Providing Clarity in a Murky World: It’s Not Just About Being Clear
We are excited to release the "C" from the New ABC strategies adapted from Daniel Pink’s book To Sell is Human.
Tom shares his secret success formula related to clarity. There is more to it than you think.
The nuances Tom shares will help you think bigger and in turn inspire your clients to do the same once you uncover the secret to true clarity.
This is a can't miss start to the new Awards Year.